
His Wife Has A Super Rare Form Of Cancer And Wants To Leave Him So She Can Spend Her Final Days With Her Friends By Her Side

Alberto - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 32-year-old man has a wife the same age as him, and they spent a decade dating before getting married last June.

All in all, he and his wife have been together for close to 11 years at this point and married for 15 months.

Sadly, just two weeks after tying the knot, his wife got diagnosed with a super rare form of appendix cancer, and it’s as aggressive as you can imagine.

Last July, his wife ended up in Sloan Kettering in New York, and she fought hard for her life since her cancer had drastically spread.

Nobody expected his wife to survive, and he spent hundreds of hours investigating a surgeon who would be willing to take on his wife’s case and debulk the tumors that amassed in her body.

“I finally found a great surgeon in Pittsburgh who opened her up and spent 13 hours taking out tumors from her midsection,” he explained.

“She recovers from that surgery back in January, and she goes into remission for no more than 4 weeks before they started to see the cancer coming back. They then told her she would be on heavy chemotherapy until she died.”

“She’s had about 20 rounds total of Folfox/Folfiri, and honestly, probably more than that. The doctors said it only works for a year or two until the cancer takes over. They gave her about a year to live in her most recent oncologist appointment.”

A few days ago, his wife approached him and expressed that she wants to get separated so she can spend the rest of her days in New York with her friends from back home by her side.

Alberto – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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