
She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Freaked Out When He Saw A Piece Of Toilet Paper In His Toilet After She Used His Bathroom

Sunshine - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For whatever reason, some men like to pretend that women don’t go to the bathroom. Perhaps it’s because they consider it to be gross and unfeminine. But everyone does it–it’s just the way the human body works, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

TikToker Hania Joy (@haniajoy) is describing a date with a guy that quickly went from good to bad in a matter of minutes. Apparently, he freaked out when he saw a piece of toilet paper in the toilet after Hania used the bathroom.

So here’s what happened. She matched with a guy on Hinge, and they met up at a speakeasy bar at around 7:30 PM. They were having a fun time together.

He was attractive, intelligent, interesting, and successful, so Hania was really into him. By 3 AM, the date was winding down. As you may know, nothing good ever happens after midnight, and this story fulfills that prophecy.

It was time for a trip to the bathroom, followed by separate cab rides back to their own apartments. Hania used the bathroom first since she needed to pee. When she flushed the toilet, the toilet paper didn’t go down all the way.

So a tiny wad of toilet paper was still in the toilet, but she didn’t think it was a big deal. And besides, it wasn’t like she had left her actual waste behind.

After she emerged from the bathroom, her date went in to use it. But when he came back out, he was a changed man. It was as if he were a totally different person.

Prior to going to the bathroom, he was pretty much in love with Hania, so it was definitely weird. She didn’t know what the problem was.

Once they were sitting down, Hania asked him if he was okay. He told her that he felt uncomfortable about how she didn’t flush the toilet after using it.

Sunshine – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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