
Her Friend Asked Her To Be A Bridesmaid And Told Her To Wear White, But It Was All A Mean Plan To Make Her Look Like She Was In Love With The Groom

Photo 149653925 © Kriscole - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 26-year-old woman was 5-years-old, she and her family moved to a new neighborhood.

Her family’s next-door neighbors had a little girl that was her age named Bella (now 27). Right away, she and Bella became best friends, and both of their families had a close bond.

Their friendship continued for many years, and after high school graduation, she attended a college a couple of hours away, and Bella stayed in their hometown.

Bella came to her college to hang out with her a lot, and they had a ton of fun. During her sophomore year, she met Barrett (now 26) when they were in an economics class together.

She thought he was cute and intelligent, and while studying together, they started hooking up.

While the physical part was great, she didn’t feel like they had enough of an emotional connection to sustain a relationship in the long run, so they stopped hooking up and maintained a platonic friendship.

They never had discussions about wanting to date each other, but after they ended their hooking up, they didn’t hang out as much.

She and Barrett were part of group chat conversations, and she saw him at parties a lot, but that was about the extent of their friendship from then on.

One time, during her senior year of college, Bella came to visit her, and she introduced Bella to Barrett at a party.

Photo 149653925 © Kriscole – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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