
You Can Now Toss Your Hat In The Ring For A Unique Dogsledding Race That Will Take You Across The Scandinavian Arctic

Susan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual animals

Have you ever wanted to know what it would be like to ride through the snow on a dog sled?

After growing up on movies like “Snow Dogs” and “Balto,” I thought it’d be a pretty neat experience.
Well, now, you can give it a shot by entering one of the most fascinating challenges I’ve ever heard of.

The Swedish retail brand Fjällräven, famous for its colorful, cute backpacks and outdoor gear, is now accepting applications for its 19th annual Fjällräven Polar. This dogsledding race takes brave participants across the Scandinavian Arctic.

Fjällräven Polar 2024 will be an arctic adventure that 20 chosen participants will go on as they travel 300km through the tundra. The challenge was invented by the company’s founder and inspired by the journey Swedish dogsled driver Åke Nordin went on when he participated in the intense Iditarod race in Alaska.

While you may be thinking this is a challenge for only experienced explorers and experts, you’re wrong! This challenge is all about inclusivity, and anyone is welcome to apply and enter to participate.

You don’t have to be a wilderness or survival expert. However, not all who apply will be chosen to take part in the icy yet fascinating challenge.

Anyone wishing to give the challenge a go will not only have to fill out an application form but must also complete three separate challenges and post their responses in the form of pictures or videos on Instagram with the hashtag #FjallravenPolar2024.

Once the three challenges have been completed, Fjällräven Polar company employees, ambassadors, alums, etc., will choose 20 people to take part in Fjällräven Polar 2024.

Those 20 people will have to journey through intense and sometimes risky weather conditions but will also be able to see some fascinating parts of the Arctic that some only dream of seeing in person.

Susan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual animals

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