
She Took Her Daughter’s Toy Away From A Little Girl Who Tried To Grab It At The Park, And The Girl’s Mom Accused Her Daughter Of Being A “Little Brat” For Not Sharing

gal2007 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Yesterday, this woman took her 6-year-old daughter to play at the park. She was so proud of her daughter for winning a spelling bee, so she wanted to celebrate and reward her achievement by doing something fun.

Whenever they go to the park, her daughter enjoys taking some Barbies along. Her daughter doesn’t socialize with other children too much, so while at the park, her daughter spends time playing with Barbies alone.

She watched her daughter while she played, and she called her partner to discuss their date night.

Understandably, she wants to stay relatively close to her daughter and keep her within her sight because there are too many children being taken these days.

A bit later, she got off the phone with her partner and was still keeping an eye on her daughter, who was playing with Barbies at the time.

Then, a girl who looked slightly older than her daughter waltzed over and stood directly in front of her daughter.

“I didn’t get up or anything because I just wanted to see how it would play out and see if the girl wanted to play, but no. She began to pull on my daughter’s doll like she was going to take it,” she said.

Immediately, she jumped up and hurried over before the situation escalated further. When she asked the girl if she was interested in playing with her daughter, the girl said that she didn’t want to.

The girl said that she wanted to play with her daughter’s doll, which her daughter was currently playing with.

gal2007 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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