
She’s Not Being Invited To Her Best Friend’s Wedding Because Of Her Chronic Health Problems

ALEXSTUDIO - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old girl has a 25-year-old best friend whom she has been close to for close to seven years now.

Sadly, her best friend just told her that she’s not being invited to her destination wedding because of her chronic health problems.

A year ago, she suffered from a stroke, and since then, she has suffered from seizures. She says the seizures are small, and she does not lose any consciousness or awareness when they occur.

“She says that she meant to tell me this in person, but she told me this over Snapchat after I asked about the wedding one day,” she explained.

“As I said, she listed my health issues as the reason why I’m not invited, as she’s afraid of something happening to me on the flight or in X country that might derail the wedding.”

“I guess she had a cousin whose wedding got thrown off after an aunt died, so she’s not inviting me and one of her aunts because of that.”

Her best friend also said she wouldn’t be able to afford her medical bills if something did happen at the wedding, but she would never expect her best friend to cover that.

This specific excuse as to why she’s not invited to the wedding really puzzled her.

It hurts her deeply to not be invited to her best friend’s wedding due to her health struggles. She has had health problems and a disability ever since she was little.

ALEXSTUDIO – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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