
She Can’t Stop Thinking About A Guy She Had A Summer Fling With, And She Wants To Meet Up With Him For Closure Even Though She Has A Boyfriend

But then, one night, they began discussing that they can’t get the other person out of their heads. Their conversation took a deep turn, and they agreed to meet up, as they absolutely missed out on a relationship that could have been.

“But lately, I realized that every time I have a rough patch with my boyfriend is when I am talking to Joe,” she said.

“Now, I don’t want to end my relationship because I genuinely love my boyfriend. And I don’t want 4 years of my life going to waste. I think why I am so attached to Joe is because I have only good memories with him, and it really was an amazing time in my life in general.”

“But I think that if I saw him today, my “feelings” would change, and I’ll realize there is nothing special about him. Especially because I think I just made up a perfect idea in my head that is far off reality.”

She wants to be able to grab drinks with Joe to get rid of the notion that things could have been dreamier with him, and she’s hoping she’ll be able to move on with her life after seeing him again.

She also wants to quit being concerned about what could have occurred between her and Joe, as the majority of the problems with her current boyfriend stem from the fact that she believes Joe would have been a better boyfriend.

She knows this is ridiculous, as she barely knows Joe. So, she’s left wondering if meeting up with Joe would be considered cheating, or a good idea in the first place.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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