
She Got Upset When Her Husband Called His Ex-Wife His Soulmate, And Then This Woman Sent A Letter To Their Home - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A year ago, this 34-year-old woman got married to her husband, who is the same age as her. They have been together for four years in total, and while this is her first time being married, her husband has been married before.

Back when she began dating her husband, he was honest about getting married in his young twenties, and she never had a problem with that.

Several days ago, she and her husband were up late, chitchatting one night after having dinner. Then, their conversation turned to his ex-wife.

“He asked if I minded hearing about her, to which I said I did not – I acknowledged it was a part of his past, and I didn’t begrudge him for actions before we’d even met,” she explained.

“From there, however, he began telling me that he still felt his ex-wife (35F) was his soulmate. Hearing stories from the past about his ex didn’t upset me, but to hear something that was obviously rooted in the present day was hard to hear. Particularly because I very much considered him my soulmate.”

“I told him how I felt, and he responded with, “But you said you didn’t mind hearing these things.” To me, it felt like he’d missed the point of what I said, but the conversation fizzled out, and we went to bed not long after.”

Since then, she has spoken to a couple of her friends about the incident, and all of them were horrified.

Her friends weighed in, saying they would be so uneasy if their significant others referred to their exes as their soulmates.

They also took issue with how her husband was the one to even start this conversation about his ex in the first place. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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