
She Made Her Ex-Husband And His Affair Partner Look Like Fools In Front Of A Judge When They Dragged Her Back To Court Over Her Kids, But Her Former Mother-In-Law Scolded Her For It

sofiko14 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s no secret that divorces can get messy, especially between couples who have kids. They get even messier when one person gets a little obsessed with taking the other to court.

One woman was recently scolded by her mother-in-law after her ex and his new wife made fools out of themselves in court to try and get more time with her kids.

She’s 33 and has two kids with her ex-husband, Liam, who are 11 and 9-years-old. She and Liam recently divorced after she revealed that he was having an affair with a woman named Jean two years ago.

Liam revealed his affair in an unconventional and inappropriate way, which made the divorce and the custody battle more complicated.

“My children learned of the affair before me, [as] Liam took Jean to meet the kids outside of school, and he tried to tell them she was going to be their new mom,” she explained.

“He asked the kids to tell me they wanted to live with him and Jean. That morning, the kids left a home they thought was happy and safe with Mom and Dad, and by the time school was out, Dad showed up with a strange lady, admitted he’d been cheating, and [said] they were getting a new family.”

She got a call from her children’s teachers that day because they ran back into the school distraught after Liam did all that. 

During their divorce, Liam tried to win sole custody of their children and wanted Jean to be able to adopt them. The court did not take this well, so their divorce was drawn out because Liam wouldn’t let up.

When their divorce was officially finalized, they shared custody, and Liam married Jean right away. While she had hoped everything would be settled by now, Liam is making the situation worse and putting them back in court.

sofiko14 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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