
He Hates Being A Dad To His Autistic Preschooler Son, As Every Day Is Difficult

His son behaves in this way nonstop, no matter if he’s happy or upset. He says this could make anyone go crazy, and it’s taking a toll on him.

“I understand as parents, we must be understanding of him having autism and unable to regulate his emotions how we do,” he said.

“Do you understand how difficult it is to repeat the same things over and over for 3 YEARS straight? “Don’t kick the wall, please,” “Don’t hit the dogs,” “You do not need to scream,” “Do not hit me,” “Do not hit yourself. I’m so sick and…tired of having to say those phrases every single day.”

His wife is a stay-at-home mom, and he works mostly from home, so he can’t jump in to assist his wife when his son is being difficult.

Daycare costs so much money, and they don’t have a good chance of finding one that can accommodate their son, which is why his wife stays home.

While he’s trying to work, he just hears his wife repeating phrases at his son on end, trying to get him to calm down.

If he does have a free minute, he does help his wife in order to give her a little break. But then, when he returns to his office, his son kicks his office door with all of his strength while screaming.

“It makes your heart skip a beat how loud it is; it’s like a gunshot just went off in our house,” he added.

“It makes my blood boil, but I bite my tongue. The number of times I have to drown out screaming, kicking, crying, whatever because I’m in meetings is exhausting. It never…ends with our son. I want to take my wife and me alone somewhere for ONE…day without him there. It’s impossible since nobody will take our son for a night in our family because of how difficult he can be.”

Once in a blue moon, their parents will offer to watch their son for one evening. When they can get away from their son, they spend their alone time sleeping since they rarely get to at home.

Their son wakes up every morning at 6 a.m. kicking his bedroom wall, so they don’t get much shuteye on a normal basis.

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