
His Friend’s Trying To Rationalize Having A One-Night Stand With A Married Man

He sat down and started talking to the rest of his friends while still keeping an ear on what his female friend and Josh were discussing.

As the evening wore on, his friend texted him, saying she’s going home, and he was ready to call it a night, too.

“The next morning, we text, as we always do, and I jokingly ask her if she went home with the married guy,” he explained.

“I thought she was going to go with the bit, but she said yes in a serious tone. I asked her if she was kidding, and she said she wasn’t. When I asked her why she did that, she said that it was going to happen anyway; he had gone to that bar with the intention of going home with someone that night, so why shouldn’t it be her?”

“If it was going to happen no matter what – as he already had a few other people interested in him – it makes no difference if it’s her or someone else.”

He was quite upset because not only was she not joking about her one-night stand with a married man, but she was additionally trying to rationalize the whole thing.

He’s uneasy that his friend could actually do something like this, and he’s questioning if he should end their friendship over her lack of morals.

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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