
His Girlfriend Broke His Heart When She Admitted She Will Never Love Him As Much As Her Ex

Dmitry Tsvetkov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

On Saturday, this 28-year-old guy and his 26-year-old girlfriend celebrated their first anniversary together.

After they both had a couple of glasses of wine, they thought it would be a great idea to share their deepest secrets as a sign of really committing to one another.

Unfortunately, this went really sideways when his girlfriend admitted that she will never love him as much as her ex.

“She basically told me that she believes her ex-boyfriend was her one and true love in life, and she doesn’t believe she will be able to love anyone ever again as deeply as she loved him,” he explained.

His girlfriend spent six years with her ex, and he was pretty much her first serious boyfriend. Ultimately, his girlfriend dumped her ex when he refused to move in with her and then propose.

His girlfriend spoke to her ex for years about wanting to take the next steps in their relationship, but this guy still wasn’t on board with that level of commitment.

In the months after his girlfriend dumped her ex, she fell into a depression, put on a lot of weight, and even lost her job.

But back to her secret that she revealed on the night of their anniversary: as soon as she shared that secret with him, it broke his heart.

“When she told me this, I felt heartbroken, and even though I am ashamed to admit this, I think my love for her faded a bit after learning that she will never love me as much as she loved someone before me,” he said.

Dmitry Tsvetkov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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