He Met A Woman He Really Likes Online, But He Can’t Get Over How Much She Weighs

Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

As much as we want to admit that we can love someone no matter what they look like, physical attraction plays a big role in how relationships work and function.

One man is unsure what to do after he met a woman online that he really likes personality-wise but isn’t physically attracted to since she’s heavier than he thought she’d be.

He’s 40, single, and retired from work early in life. A while back, he met a 44-year-old woman online, and they hit it off.

She had grown-up kids, an independent life of her own, and had time to date. He also thought she had a beautiful face.

However, he noticed something was off with their chemistry once they started dating in person, and he’s pretty sure it’s because of her body.

“We’ve been unofficially dating [for] about five weeks now,” he explained.

“We see each other frequently, get along well, and I like her humor and personality. [The problem] is, she’s heavy. [She’s] more than just a little heavy, and her pictures didn’t accurately reflect that. I decided to try anyway, thinking maybe it’s something I can adapt to. No matter what my mind says, my body is telling me I’m not into this.”

Unfortunately, he’s been having a hard time shaking his distaste for her body type. Additionally, when he went over to her house, he noticed it was full of unhealthy food, indicating that she may not want to change the way she is.

Now, he’s in a difficult position. He really likes this woman and doesn’t want to be shallow, but he can’t seem to see her as physically attractive, which has impacted their potential relationship.

Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

To stall, he decided to tell her he needed to take things slowly and that he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship.

“She agreed, but her behavior since then definitely [indicates she is] falling in love,” he added.

“I feel like the only kind and respectful thing to do here is to end it. I did learn from this experience that excessive weight just doesn’t work for me.”

What do you think he should do? Should he wait it out and see if the physical attraction comes along or end things with this woman before she gets hurt?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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