Her Cousin Seated Her With A Table Full Of Single People At Her Wedding, So She’s Upset

miladrumeva  - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
miladrumeva - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

Not too long ago, this 44-year-old woman went to her younger cousin’s wedding. The ceremony was gorgeous, and she’s happy for her cousin.

But something happened during the reception that has her still feeling upset even though the wedding is long over.

When she walked into the reception, she was shocked to see that her cousin put her at a table full of single people.

“I was NOT informed of this,” she explained. “I never even heard of something like this, but honestly, I have not gone to many weddings.”

“All of the people at my table were in their 20s, and the conversation revolved around dating apps and stories of wild nights out.”

She felt as if her cousin was treating her like some kind of a child, grouping her in with the rest of these people.

She also didn’t feel at home, and as she looked around the room, she couldn’t help but notice all the other guests seemed to have been put together with a lot of thought and care.

She had nothing in common with the 20-somethings, so it was a tough go for the remainder of the night.

“To add salt to the wound, the table was literally labeled “SINGLES,” which felt like a glaring spotlight on my marital status,” she said.

miladrumeva – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

“Throughout the evening, I found myself repeatedly explaining my life choices and why I’m not married or partnered…it was exhausting and made me feel incredibly self-conscious. I’m hurt that my cousin, who knows me very well and knows why I prefer to be single, didn’t consider how this seating arrangement might affect me.”

“It felt dismissive of my age and accomplishments as if being single defined my entire identity. I tried to brush it off and enjoy the night, but the whole experience left a sour taste in my mouth, so much that I could not stop thinking about the situation for days.”

Later on, she brought it up to her therapist, who suggested she try to have a conversation with her cousin in lieu of keeping her emotions locked inside her, which is something she tends to do.

She decided to phone up her cousin to chat with her about how hurt she felt by being included at the singles table.

She admitted to her cousin that she felt unimportant and disappointed in her for not taking that into consideration.

Her cousin grew increasingly upset on the other end of the line, insisting she hadn’t tried to hurt her feelings.

Her cousin just thought that if she sat her with single people, somehow the conversations would flow better.

Following the phone call, things with her cousin have been tense. Some of their family members believe she was being too dramatic and should have focused on having a nice time, while others get where she’s coming from.

“However, now I’m feeling conflicted and wondering if I should have just let it go because it was her special day, and I feel as if I’m tarnishing a special memory for her,” she concluded.

She’s left wondering if it was wrong of her to confront her cousin over the seating arrangement. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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