Her Dad Asked Her To Take Out A $190,000 Loan So He Could Buy A New House, But Her Parents Didn’t Even Support Her Going To College

tunedin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
tunedin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, when you grow up and become successful, you may be asked to loan your parents some money. Parents can be good people to give money to, or they can make things complicated.

One young woman is struggling to make things right with her parents after refusing to take out a loan for $190,000 so they can buy a new house.

She’s 24 and recently graduated from college. She quickly got a job in her field after graduation and became quite successful. She has an apartment with her boyfriend and a dog, so life has been good.

However, she’s now dealing with family drama.

Her parents are in their late 50s and have been talking about selling their house since she and her siblings moved out. Her dad has done a lot of work on their house, and it’s market-ready.

Then, her dad called her and asked her for a massive favor. He called and asked if she could take out a loan for $190,000 and give it to him so he and her mom could buy a house they were interested in.

She was shocked by her father’s bold question, and she and her boyfriend couldn’t figure out what to say at the time. She asked her dad if she could call him back and discussed things with her boyfriend.

This request from her dad made her angry, as her parents hardly offered any financial support when she went to college to make a life for herself. Now, they want her to give them a ton of money for their dream home.

“Now that I’m somewhat comfortable with money and have a good job, they want to ask me for money,” she said.

tunedin – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“My boyfriend is furious. I am, too, but I’m also just kinda sad. I did tell my dad no because I have my student loans and car insurance payments that I have to [pay] each month. I know I shouldn’t feel bad, but I still do since it’s my parents.”

Should she feel bad for not giving her parents money, or is she being smart?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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