He Went On His Honeymoon By Himself Since His Wife Wanted To Care For Her Sister, Who’d Just Had A Baby, And She’s Upset He Took The Trip Without Her

This man and his wife, Tonya, just tied the knot. But, while she was growing up, Tonya practically raised her sister, Marie, after their mother sadly passed away.
“And even after their dad remarried, Tonya and her sister were more mom and daughter than sisters,” he recalled.
Then, just last year, Marie got pregnant, and shortly after her nuptials, she also became pregnant. So, it just so happened that on his and Tonya’s wedding day, Marie had her baby. In fact, Marie actually went into premature labor right in the middle of their wedding reception.
Thankfully, everything went okay, and Marie welcomed a small but healthy baby girl into the world. Despite that, though, his wife Tonya still wanted to stay back and take care of her sister.
This was a major problem, too, because they were set to leave for their honeymoon just two days after their wedding. Nonetheless, his wife claimed that she simply couldn’t leave her sister.
“She isn’t a doctor or a nurse,” he explained.
“Marie has a dad, a stepmom, a husband, a mother, and a father-in-law. I don’t understand why she had to go.”
Well, his wife still refused to budge on her decision, and their flights were nonrefundable. Their trip insurance also wouldn’t cover his wife voluntarily staying home to care for her sister.
On top of that, he’d already gotten approved for two weeks’ worth of vacation time at his job.

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“So, since I was going to be home by myself doing nothing while my wife was in another city doing whatever, I went on the honeymoon by myself,” he revealed.
Upon arriving, he got to enjoy a huge bed all to himself. Plus, he used up all their resort credits that were meant for activities like romantic excursions, couples’ massages, deep sea fishing, and a dune buggy tour of the island.
Later, he just returned home from his solo honeymoon, and his wife was still in another city – caring for her sister. However, she was also upset that he went on their trip by himself.
“Was I supposed to let the money go to waste? Was I supposed to sit at home playing Diablo while I waited for her to be done?” he asked.
Nonetheless, his wife doesn’t understand his perspective, and they’ve been fighting about it ever since. All of his friends have taken his side – agreeing that it would’ve been stupid to waste both his money and time off from work.
His wife’s friends, on the other hand, believe it was a jerky move to go and enjoy himself while his wife was caring for her sister and new baby.
So now, he’s unsure if going on his honeymoon by himself was really the wrong thing to do or not.
Do you think he should’ve stayed back and supported his wife’s wishes to care for her sister? Or do you agree that it would’ve been a waste of money and time off work? What would you have done in his shoes?
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