She Spent Close To Six Figures On Her Doctorate, But Her Husband Isn’t Interested In Moving So She Can Have Better Job Opportunities

Seven years ago, this 33-year-old woman met her 35-year-old husband, and four years ago, they got married.
They have two children together, who are three and one. She works as a nurse and just finished up her doctorate, so now she is a psychiatric nurse practitioner.
For the last 13 years, her husband has been working at a chemical plant and is currently in a management position.
“We live in rural Indiana,” she explained. “He makes about 120k, and as a nurse, I make 62k after 10 years of experience as nurses are paid very, very low here, and there are few job options for nurses anywhere near where we live.”
“My dream job was to always be a psychiatric nurse practitioner. He loves his job and gets really good benefits, but the only downside is that his job is regional, and with his position, it’s not a position he can just go and get anywhere else.”
Prior to her starting grad school four years back, she sat down with her husband to discuss the future.
She outlined to him that if she was going to go to grad school, they would absolutely have to move when she finished as there are no job opportunities in her industry where they live.
She ensured her husband understood this, and then she informed him that if he was not willing to move, he needed to let her know before she went to grad school.
She didn’t want to flush four years of her life and nearly six figures down the drain for nothing. Her husband agreed that they could move when she was done if they needed to.

auremar – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“Well, as you can guess, it’s now that time, and he said moving is now an option for us,” she continued.
“He said with his job, our low-interest mortgage rate, and the kids, we cannot move. There are 0 jobs in my field anywhere near us.”
“I have applied to the closest available jobs, and they are 3+ hours away. I have also applied to telehealth jobs, and all of them have said I need at least 3 years of in-person experience before It will be an option to work from home.”
In her state, nurse practitioners are not permitted to have their own practices, so that’s not something she can pursue.
She’s left with $91,000 in student loan debt, so she’s feeling confused about what her next steps should be.
What advice do you have for her?
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