His Wife Is Buying Her Guy Friend A Father’s Day Gift, And It’s Left Him Feeling Insecure Since She Barely Ever Celebrates Him On The Holiday

Liubomir - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Liubomir - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man is currently married, and he and his wife have one child together – a daughter. Yet, he feels as though his wife is prioritizing celebrating another guy on Father’s Day this year instead of him.

For some context, his wife has a male friend who she’s known for years. In fact, she’s been friends with the guy since right before he met his wife.

Throughout their relationship, his wife has also never put a lot of effort into celebrating his birthday, Father’s Day, or any other holidays.

But this year, she brought up the idea of them staying in a hotel with their friends for Father’s Day – including her guy friend – since their children are best friends.

“Our friends are driving out two hours to stay near us, and we are getting a room at the same hotel,” he explained.

“She made the plans without telling me, but I thought it’d be good for our daughter, and the friends have always been welcoming.”

However, what really rubbed him the wrong way was when his wife started talking about buying her guy friend a Father’s Day present a few weeks ago.

For context, she hadn’t even purchased him a Father’s Day gift yet. Rather, just yesterday, she randomly ran out to the store and bought him a bottle of scotch as his present after she saw a Facebook advertisement and thought it was “perfect.”

Afterward, she returned home, gave him the liquor bottle, and casually mentioned how she also planned to buy her guy friend a Father’s Day present for when they met up at the hotel.

Liubomir – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“It just felt really weird,” he admitted.

So, he began to feel insecure and decided to ask his wife what she was buying her own dad for Father’s Day. Spoiler alert: she claimed that she hadn’t even started looking for her dad’s present.

This has left him feeling as though his wife made her guy friend a priority on Father’s Day.

“A holiday she never really celebrates for me, and I’m the father of our child,” he vented.

“And it felt weirder that she thought of him before her own Dad, whom she always thinks of.”

Still, he’s not sure if he has a right to be upset that his wife is buying her guy friend a Father’s Day gift or not.

Do you think it’s weird that his wife is suddenly eager to celebrate a different guy on Father’s Day? Should he tell his wife how he feels or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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