His Wife Scolded Him For Giving Their Rude Waitress A Low Tip

zukamilov - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
zukamilov - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

If you’re eating out at a restaurant, you should always be prepared to tip your server. However, on certain occasions, you may get service that’s so bad that it isn’t unreasonable of you not to tip.

One man was recently yelled at by his wife after refusing to give a proper tip to a waitress who served them because she ignored him and wouldn’t take something he didn’t eat off the bill.

He recently decided to go to a Tex-Mex steakhouse with his wife and kids for a nice dinner. He is on a very strict meat-only diet, so he has to be careful about what he eats.

After sitting down, his family was greeted by their waitress, who started the evening by mentioning the restaurant was having a chicken wing appetizer special for a discounted price of $9.99.

“I asked if the wings were breaded or not [because] I can’t have breaded food [and] she said she didn’t know,” he recalled.

“I simply said, ‘No worries; I’ll just have the steak.’ The rest of the family ordered, and as she departed from the table, she said she’d ‘check on those wings and was gone before I could say no thanks.”

When the waitress came back, she said the wings weren’t breaded. He was trying to tell her it was fine and that he’d just stick to eating steak.

However, the waitress kept pushing the wing special on him, and his wife said she’d eat some as well, so he said he’d have an order of the wings only if they weren’t breaded. He stressed that if they were breaded, he wouldn’t eat them.

When the first food orders came out, everything, from his steak to his kids’ food, was great. However, when it was time for the wings, the waitress tossed a basket of breaded wings onto the table, then walked away as he tried to tell her he couldn’t eat them.

zukamilov – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

“She acted like she didn’t hear me, walked off, and didn’t come back for 20 minutes,” he said.

“I had to ask another waiter for a manager or our waitress. She finally came back smelling like cigarettes, and I explained to her that the wings were breaded, so I couldn’t eat them, and [reminded her that I] asked several times before ordering if they were breaded or not.”

“She said she talked to her manager and couldn’t take them off the [bill], which meant she heard me before her smoke break.”

He decided to speak to the assistant manager on duty, who told him the wings couldn’t be removed from the bill despite the waitress’ behavior.

Eventually, he decided that if the waitress wanted her tip for the evening, she could take the wings off the bill and “pocket the difference.”

After paying the food bill, he gave the waitress $8 and walked out with his family.

While he was fine with giving the rude waitress such a low tip, his wife, who served in restaurants for years, was very angry and scolded him on the way home.  

Was he wrong to leave the waitress with a low tip, or did she deserve it?

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