She Screamed At Her Mom For Threatening To Get Rid Of Her Two Cats, Even Though She Was Given Permission To Adopt Them Last Year

Maria - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat
Maria - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

This 28-year-old woman currently lives with her mother, who is 60, and her younger, 22-year-old sister. Just last year, she and her sister also adopted two adorable male cats.

At the time, they made sure to ask their mom for permission before bringing the pets home. For some more context, all three of them also split living expenses at home.

To her surprise, though, her mom was fine with them adopting the cats.

“And things were smooth sailing for a while,” she recalled.

So, the cats grew up fine, and when they were about 6 months old, she got them fixed to prevent any potential problems around the house. Her mom seemed happy with the cats around, too, and she thought everything was going great.

Yet, as of this summer, something randomly switched, and her mom suddenly seemed really irritated by the cats for no good reason.

For instance, just a couple of days ago, her mom started screaming at one of her cats for walking around the kitchen – something he’d always done.

“I tried to figure out what was bugging her, and all she could say was, ‘I never liked cats to begin with. I don’t know why I agreed to adopt them. I’m going to throw them out,'” she revealed.

The situation also kept escalating until yesterday morning, when her mom finally lost it. In fact, her mom woke her up by screaming at the cats around 5:00 a.m. Then, her mom swore that she’d get rid of the cats if she ever saw them again.

Maria – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or cat

This made her furious, too, so she actually yelled at her mom – something she really hates doing.

“My respect for people has limits, and you’ve crossed the line,” she screamed at her mom.

She also pointed out how she and her sister had asked permission before adopting the pets. And now, out of the blue, her mom cannot even explain what is really irking her about the cats.

Her mom didn’t have a response to that, either, and ever since the blow-up, they haven’t been speaking.

So now, she’s not sure if screaming at her mom for threatening to get rid of her cats was an overreaction or not.

Why do you think her mom suddenly doesn’t like the cats? Did she go too far by screaming at her mom or not? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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