
She’s Positive Her Fiancé Is Engaged To Both Her And Another Woman And Has Been Cheating On Her For Years

Then, one day, in all those random belongings, she found a framed memento listing a location where he and someone had gotten engaged about one year before she started dating him.

When her fiancé discovered she had taken the memento, he became angry, insisting it belonged to his family and that she was overreacting.

For years, these kinds of incidents continued, and her fiancé became increasingly sketchy, yet she stayed.

Things came to a head when her fiancé accidentally rang her phone a few days ago.

She knew he had pocket-dialed her when she picked up, but she stayed on the phone, wondering if she could hear anything.

She heard her fiancé walking into a woman’s home. She heard him compliment the woman in the same way he does with her and listened to the woman tell him she had made him cookies.

To make matters worse, she heard her fiancé tell the woman he loved her, and she said she loved him too. After that, she heard them make loving small talk, and she had to hang up.

She tried to FaceTime her fiancé several times after the revealing call, but he never picked up. Instead, he called her back and eventually cut her off when she asked him why he wasn’t answering her.

Her fiancé returned home later that day, and when she tried to confront him about the shocking call, he brushed off her concerns and told her it was a misunderstanding.

After doing some online digging, she managed to find the woman her fiancé was talking to on the other side of the phone and found her TikTok account.

In several of the woman’s videos, she talked about her fiancé and referred to him as her fiancé. The woman claimed to have been with him longer than she has and even created a video on the day she baked him those cookies.

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