He Screamed At His Wife After She Admitted She Doesn’t Want To Have A Child With Him Since She’s Worried They Will Be Special Needs

Three years ago, this 26-year-old man got married to his 25-year-old wife, Cora, and they have been together for a bit more than five years in total.
He and Cora have always pictured having a lot of children together in the near future. They’re still head over heels in love with one another, and he never thought a single thing could drive a wedge between them.
But lately, it feels to him like his world is crumbling beneath his feet. He has encountered struggles with his mental health over the years, mainly centered around socializing.
As a kid, he got bullied for being strange and not as intelligent as others. He didn’t get to attend therapy, as his parents thought it was for the weak.
“I finally decided to make the jump and go see a therapist. Recently, I was officially diagnosed with autism,” he explained.
“I had a huge mix of emotions. I was shocked, relieved, and insecure. I finally had some answers for why I felt so different growing up, but I also felt scared because I didn’t want people to look at or treat me differently.”
When he shared his diagnosis with Cora, she started to treat him differently. While she did her best to support him, he knew things were not quite right.
Cora wasn’t as chatty; she pulled back, and then she quit talking about having kids with him, which is something she was fixated on previously.
Cora would send him baby-themed content on social media and nonstop talk about their future family.

Delmaine Donson/peopleimages.com – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Two weeks after Cora’s change in behavior, he said something to her. Cora maintained that everything was okay and that she had nothing to talk about.
He kept pressing, and finally, Cora caved and said she no longer thinks it’s a good idea for them to have kids.
“My heart sank. She started talking a mile a minute and kept reassuring that we can still adopt,” he added.
“She said that she grew up with a sibling who had special needs, and it made her childhood miserable. She said that she can’t bring herself to have [a] child with me, now knowing the chances of producing a child with special needs are much higher.”
“I honestly couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was filling with pain and rage. What she said next completely pushed me over the edge. She told me: “I’m so sorry, OP. It’s not your fault. I love you so much. Believe me, if I had known you were autistic, I never would’ve brought up having kids.” I lost it! I screamed at her and said: “If I had known you were such a heartless piece of trash, I never would’ve married you!!”
He hasn’t spoken to Cora since then, which has been several days. While he feels bad for screaming at her, he can’t get past how hurt he is.
What advice do you have for him?
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