Her Best Friend Asked To Swap Spouses And Called Her Husband A Smoke Show, But She’s Hurt That Her Friend Would Even Think About Sleeping With Him

mary_markevich - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman is married and has a 1-year-old daughter with her husband, Joe. She and Joe actually went to college together, along with her best friend, Natalie.

But, while their romantic relationship continued to blossom following graduation, they fell out of touch with Natalie for a few years. It wasn’t until all three of them moved to the same city during their mid-twenties that she and Joe reconnected with Natalie.

At the time, Natalie was dating her now-husband, Jacob, and the couple went out of their way to include her and her husband in activities and introduce them to new people.

“The four of us became incredibly close, and I now consider them two of my best friends. It’s been special experiencing our twenties together and now transitioning to being parents and spouses,” she said.

Natalie and Jacob now have a 2-year-old son, and just yesterday, they went over to her and Joe’s house for dinner. The kids ended up falling asleep early as well, so after the meal, they were all able to have some drinks and relax.

Yet, the night took a very strange turn when Natalie wanted to speak to her in private. She brought her friend upstairs to her bedroom to chat, and eventually, Natalie asked a shocking question. More specifically, whether she and Joe had ever considered “sharing.”

She was genuinely confused, but Natalie went on to explain how she and Jacob had been discussing opening up their relationship. Then, Natalie admitted to wanting to sleep with her husband; meanwhile, Jacob supposedly wanted to sleep with her.

“At first, I thought Natalie was joking, but she assured me she was being completely serious,” she revealed.

“She told me that she loves me and Joe together but also thinks he’s a ‘smoke show’ and wouldn’t mind sleeping with him for fun.”

mary_markevich – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She was entirely caught off guard because, in her mind, Natalie and Jacob had always been a pretty “strait-laced” couple. She never thought they’d ever want to share spouses.

She wasn’t personally interested in doing that, either, and tried telling Natalie. However, her friend believed that swapping partners could build trust, keep things interesting, and be good for her marriage to Joe.

“I said that my relationship with Joe is great, but I’m a bit hurt that my best friend wants to sleep with my husband,” she recalled.

Natalie backtracked at that point, claiming it would only happen if she were okay with it. She was also accused of being judgmental of Natalie and Jacob’s love life.

She tried to make it clear that she wasn’t trying to judge what they did. Rather, she simply felt weird about Natalie and Jacob trying to drag her and her husband into it. Regardless, her friend didn’t understand and kept saying she was overreacting. Natalie wound up leaving afterward, too.

Once she filled her husband in on the situation, he was equally surprised that Natalie had proposed such an idea. He didn’t want Jacob sleeping with her at all.

“And maybe I am overreacting, but I am honestly hurt that my best friend is thinking about sleeping with my husband,” she vented.

She realizes that Natalie and Jacob’s love life is none of her business, and they can open up their relationship if they please. Still, she’s upset that they’d be willing to risk years of friendship for a “casual” experience.

This has left her really distraught, and she’s not sure if her reaction is justified or not.

How would you feel in her shoes? Is there any coming back from this, or is her friendship with Natalie forever damaged? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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