She Put The Leftover Trash From A Party In Her Roommate’s Bedroom After They Threw A Spontaneous Get-Together Without Telling Her And Didn’t Clean Up The Mess

Drobot Dean
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 21-year-old woman currently lives in an apartment with two of her close friends, Sarah and Mia, and a new roommate, Jess. But it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows.

She was thrilled about the idea of living with her friends, yet she barely knew Jess, who seemed a little standoffish.

“Jess mostly kept to herself, which made me a little uncomfortable, but I hoped we could warm up to each other,” she said.

Well, just last weekend, Jess committed a pretty big roommate faux pas after throwing a spontaneous party and not telling her about it beforehand.

In fact, she only found out about the party while it was already underway, and she was completely caught off guard.

“Not wanting to deal with the noise and unfamiliar faces, I decided to head to my room and listen to music,” she recalled.

Once the event was over, she also noticed how Jess didn’t mention anything about cleaning up. She still gave her new roommate the benefit of the doubt, though, and assumed it would get taken care of, especially because they’d planned to have a movie night the following evening.

Unfortunately, she was wrong. The next day, she walked into her living room, and there was utter chaos.

“There were dirty dishes everywhere, empty bottles, and leftover snacks strewn about. It felt like Jess hadn’t lifted a finger to clean up after her guests,” she revealed.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She immediately texted Jess to remind her about the movie night and asked her to clean up before people arrived. But Jess just claimed to be out running errands and supposedly wouldn’t be back in time.

This left her beyond frustrated, and given how soon people were set to show up for the movie, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

She wound up grabbing all the leftover stuff from the party, including the trash, and putting it all into her roommate’s bedroom. She figured Jess might finally get the message.

Then she just went about her evening. It wasn’t until later, during the middle of her movie night, that Jess texted her, all upset about what she’d done.

Jess accused her of being overdramatic and swore she would’ve cleaned up the party if she’d been asked nicely.

She tried to explain how her roommate’s lack of responsibility really ticked her off. Nonetheless, in hindsight, she realizes she might’ve gone too far, and it’s making her feel guilty.

“My friends think I had every right to be upset, but I don’t want Jess to think I’m a bad roommate,” she vented.

Now, she’s not sure if she handled this situation the right way or not.

Isn’t it common courtesy to inform your roommates before you throw a party? Did Jess get what she deserved after leaving the mess? 

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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