After One Date With A Guy, He Ordered A TV To Hang In Her House And Sat Around Watching Sports All Weekend

the man has a reaction to the foul and unsportsmanlike conduct
DusanJelicic - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person - pictured above a guy enthusiastically watches TV

Around a month ago, Gigi Marie, who goes by @gii_marie on TikTok, met a guy on a dating app. It didn’t take long for Gigi to feel like a spark was there as they were chatting with one another.

Gigi lives in Las Vegas, and this guy lives in Los Angeles. But he said he was coming to her area since his dad is a Vegas resident, and also he was working on getting into the firefighter academy.

So, one Sunday night, this guy told Gigi he was heading to Vegas and they arranged to get drinks together for their first date.

“It was one of those first dates you kind of leave, and you’re like, on a high,” Gigi explained. “Like everything was so good.”

“We had an immediate connection, an immediate spark, and that does not happen to me often. I don’t date a lot in general. So I leave this first date, like I said, on a high; he kisses me goodnight – he’s a great kisser.”

Gigi was absolutely thrilled. The very next day, this guy had to get back to LA, and before he departed Vegas, he dropped by Gigi’s house to say goodbye.

While he was over, he insisted he couldn’t wait to see her again. In the two weeks that followed, Gigi spoke to him every single day and night.

One week before he was supposed to come to Vegas again to complete his final exam for the firefighter academy, Gigi invited him to stay with her as opposed to with his dad.

He was down to spend the whole weekend with Gigi, getting to know her better. Right before he left for Vegas, he was talking about how he’s really invested in sports, and so he wanted to watch a some games.

the man has a reaction to the foul and unsportsmanlike conduct

DusanJelicic – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a guy enthusiastically watches TV

Gigi doesn’t own a TV at all, so she told him that. He proceeded to order a TV one hour before his flight to Vegas took off, and he expected Gigi to go pick it up.

Gigi was so confused and wanted to know where the heck he was planning on putting the TV. He mentioned he would attach it to the wall since he didn’t want to spend money purchasing a TV stand.

The conversation turned to finances, and this guy told Gigi he wanted her to split all their expenses that weekend, which included dinner for their second date.

“This man just bought a TV to put on my wall, and now he’s telling me he can’t afford to buy me sushi,” Gigi said.

“So now I’m going from being a little bit weirded out by the TV to full-on panicking, like halt the breaks, hold on.”

Unsure of how to handle this one, Gigi started texting her roommate and best friend for advice. Her bestie thought it would be a good idea for her to go get the guy from the airport while remaining calm.

So, Gigi went to get him, and he asked if they could go to his dad’s house before grabbing the TV from the store.

Things were moving so quickly that Gigi didn’t have a moment to process the craziness. When they returned to Gigi’s place, her roommate was there, and her date spent the next three hours mounting the TV to her wall. Gigi drank wine and watched.

By the way, they didn’t go out for dinner as Gigi was not down to pay her own way, though they did get fast food, and the guy paid for that.

Annoyed, Gigi called it a night and went to bed. The next morning was a Sunday, and at 6:30 a.m., this guy woke up so he could watch whatever game was playing on the TV he just bought.

“This man has barely paid attention to me. The whole I can’t wait to spend time with you, get to know you has gone out the window,” Gigi added.

At 10 a.m., this guy hadn’t moved off the couch, and Gigi made breakfast for them and her best friend.

Her best friend then left to work out, and she thought it was a good moment to set the record straight since they had alone time.

Gigi confessed that she had envisioned a much different weekend, but this man didn’t really care about what she had to say. He was only worried about sports.

He ultimately apologized and said that being glued to the TV was how he relaxed. Gigi kicked him out very politely and dropped him off at his dad’s house.

His TV is still hanging right there in her living room.


Yes, I am entirely an idiot for letting this man stay in my house after hardly knowing him. My suffering, your entertainment ? #datingstorytime #dating #datinghorrorstory #datingadvice #singlelife

? original sound – Gigi Marie ?

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