She Got Asked To Move Her Wedding Date To Accommodate Her Sister Starting A Family

This 29-year-old woman is currently engaged, and she’s been planning her wedding for over a year now.
She and her fiancé decided to set the date for next summer since they love the warmer months. Plus, the summer works for their friends and family members, who will have to travel in from out of town to attend.
“We’ve already booked the venue, sent save-the-dates, and made a ton of deposits,” she said.
The only issue is that she has an older sister, who’s 32, and recently, her sister opened up about how she was trying to start a family with her husband. So, if things go well, her sister will obviously get pregnant and could be due right around the time of her wedding.
Given that, her sister actually asked if she would consider switching her wedding date. That way, her sister could attend “comfortably” without being extremely pregnant or caring for a newborn baby.
“I love my sister, and I want her to be there,” she noted.
However, moving her entire wedding to a new day would cost her and her fiancé a ton of money. Not to mention, they’d have to figure out another date that works for all of their guests, which could be impossible.
That’s why she wound up saying that, while she understood her sister’s concerns, the request wasn’t right.
“It’s not fair to expect me to reschedule my wedding over something that isn’t guaranteed,” she explained.

melnickiy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Unfortunately, her sister didn’t get that and became really upset. She even got accused of being selfish and not considering her family.
“And I feel bad, but I also feel like I shouldn’t have to rearrange everything for a hypothetical situation,” she vented.
Regardless, she can’t help but wonder if turning her sister down and refusing to budge on her wedding date is really so unreasonable or not.
Do you agree that it doesn’t make sense to move a whole event for something that isn’t set in stone? Would you ask your sibling to do that for you? What advice would you give her?
You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read
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