She’s Calling Off Her Wedding After Her Fiancé Kept Something From Her That Alters Their Future

Elegant wedding arch with fresh flowers, vases on background of ocean and blue sky.
Artem Zakharov - - illustrative purposes only - pictured above is a wedding arch in front of the ocean

Next June, this 25-year-old woman is supposed to be getting married to her 27-year-old fiancé, but she’s calling off her wedding.

Now, she met her fiancé back in college, and while she managed to graduate early, he didn’t graduate when he was supposed to, so they received their diplomas at the same time, given their ages.

Then, her fiancé started grad school, and he was able to finish that last year, but then he failed to complete his thesis.

Getting himself back on track, it seemed likely for him to graduate this spring, but he missed that deadline.

“So now, he’s supposed to graduate in a few weeks,” she explained. “He found out a month and a half ago that he was going to have to do another semester and only told me last week after I asked about how he was doing.”

“This has completely removed the veil from my eyes. I love him so much that I’ve been ignoring everything!”

“I’ve sacrificed so much. I’ve taken on the majority of the load in our relationship (financial, chores, cooking, planning, etc.) to ease his stress so he could graduate and we can begin our life together.”

She’s working at a job she dislikes since it’s the best choice for her, given the area they’re living in, while her boyfriend completes his graduate program.

She’s been counting on him to live up to his end of the bargain and hurry up and graduate so that they can move somewhere new and she can begin a career she likes.

Elegant wedding arch with fresh flowers, vases on background of ocean and blue sky.

Artem Zakharov – – illustrative purposes only – pictured above is a wedding arch in front of the ocean

She needs him to do this so she can improve his happiness, but he failed her in the biggest way, and this is going to alter their shared future.

“I don’t even think he sees how much I am doing for him,” she added. “I feel like I’m his mother, and he’s my unemployed 27-year-old son [who] has no plans of getting a job or moving out.”

“I’m so frustrated it’s taken me this long to see. It’s been there the whole time, and I’m just now perceiving it. I want my life partner to be ambitious and motivated in the same way as me, but he is not.”

“He has held me back for 4 years, and I haven’t realized it until now. So tomorrow, I am going to end our engagement. I love him so much, but that is not enough. I’ve been processing this for the last week, and although I am terrified of losing him, the people I love that I’ve met through him, and the non-refundable deposits we’ve (I’ve) made for the wedding, I’m feeling a bit of excitement to be independent.”

After she finishes grieving the end of the engagement and the man whom she believed was her soulmate, she is positive she will come out better on the other side.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read

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