Her Boyfriend’s Son Is So Gross That She Wants To Find Somewhere New To Live Until He Moves Out

sepy - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 37-year-old woman currently lives along with her boyfriend, who is a decade older than her, and his 23-year-old son from a past relationship.

While what she has with her boyfriend is something special, his son is nearly destroying their relationship. Her boyfriend’s son is a total disaster and will not pick up after himself, even if she requests that he do this.

“So, for example, every time he cooks food in the kitchen, he leaves everything he’s used (pots, pans, utensils) piled in the washing bowl unwashed,” she explained.

“Crumbs/food/bits left on the side. He is asked time and time again to clean up after himself, but he doesn’t; he just waits until eventually it’s been so long either me or his dad washes them all up (because we need to use them).”

“We do all of his washing; I have not once seen him using the washing machine to wash his clothes or even contribute to helping do the washing; he just piles it up until he barely has anything left to wear.”

When it comes to the bathroom, her boyfriend’s son is so gross that it’s not worth repeating it here, but you can use your imagination.

She could keep adding things to the list of how disgusting her boyfriend’s son behaves in their home, and the worst part for her is that he uses all of her items in the shower.

He never asks if this is ok, nor does he give her any money to replace what he uses. Instead, he complains when they are out of her personal things.

So, she’s forced to keep any of her pricey items out of sight so her boyfriend’s son can’t just help himself to whatever he wants.

sepy – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“I know I’m putting myself out there for being a terrible person potentially, but he’s a grown man,” she added.

She’s tried to speak to her boyfriend about his problematic son, and her boyfriend agrees that his son doesn’t understand how to be respectful.

Her boyfriend has made an effort to talk to his son and get him to change his ways, but she believes her boyfriend is a doormat to his son.

Things have gotten so out of control that she’s currently sitting here thinking she should find somewhere else to live until her boyfriend’s son ultimately moves out.

She suspects she will find happiness living alone at this rate. She doesn’t want to break up with her boyfriend, and she’s afraid to issue him an ultimatum and force him to choose between her or his son.

“So I think the most respectful thing to do, rather than [complain] and moan all the time, is to take myself out of the situation,” she said.

“Do you think [I’m mean], if I propose remaining in my relationship, but moving out until his son decides to move out – then me and my boyfriend can look at living together again?”

“I’m at such a loss of trying to not be a horrible person, but I’m so unhappy constantly cleaning up and asking for respect.”

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