Her Family’s Calling Her The Grinch Since She’s Not Allowing Her Brother To Stay With Her For Christmas After He Stole Her Dog’s Favorite Toy

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

For Christmas last year, this woman’s brother, his wife, and their two children came to stay at her house. She was pleased to have them stay with her, but having all those extra people under her roof was tumultuous.

While her brother’s family was with her, her 6-year-old niece became obsessed with her golden retriever’s toy. Her dog Max has this little stuffed duck that’s been with him since he was a puppy.

Max carried his duck in his mouth constantly, as it became a source of comfort for him. She informed her niece that the duck was Max’s absolute favorite toy in the world.

She even demonstrated to her how much the duck meant to Max. After her brother and his family went home when the holidays were over, she noticed they had stolen Max’s duck!

“I texted my brother, thinking it was a misunderstanding, and asked for it back,” she explained. “He said my niece cried about leaving it, so they let her keep it.”

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“I was pretty upset and explained that it wasn’t just a random toy—it was Max’s favorite. He said, “It’s just a dog toy; go buy another one.”

“I told him they needed to send it back, but they refused. I even offered to buy my niece a new duck toy that looked the same, but they still said no because she was “too attached to it now.”

In the weeks after her niece swiped Max’s duck, Max was obviously upset for weeks on end. Every single day, Max would go looking through her house for the duck, which left her feeling heartbroken.

She scoured the internet, trying to find Max’s exact duck, and although she ordered him a duplicate, he wasn’t as interested in the replacement.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

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Now that we’re approaching Christmas, her brother reached out to see if he and his family could stay at her house again, and she said no.

Her brother, taken aback, wanted to know why she was turning him down. She brought up Max’s duck and added it was so rude of him to have stolen it.

“He said I was being petty and holding a grudge over a dog toy. My parents and other siblings are now calling me the Grinch and saying I’m punishing my niece for something she didn’t understand at the time,” she said.

“But to me, it’s not about the toy—it’s about the principle and the blatant disregard for my boundaries. If they couldn’t respect something so small, why would I trust them to respect my home again?”

Do you think she’s the Grinch for declining to allow her brother and his family to stay at her house after they stole Max’s favorite duck?

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