Her Fiancé Locks His Basement Door And Claims It’s For Work, But She’s Worried About What He’s Hiding

Evrymmnt - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s been nearly three years that this 32-year-old woman has been with her fiancé, who happens to be the same age as her.

She adores her fiancé, and she’s more in love with him than she ever imagined she could be with any man. She’s kind of living a fairytale, as she says their relationship is virtually problem-free. Except for the locked basement door.

Several months back, she learned that she was pregnant, so she moved into her fiancé’s home. Now, he has an office located in his basement, and he keeps his computer in there.

“He told me right when we first started dating that he didn’t want me or the dog in his office, ever,” she explained.

“I thought it was a little weird, but I brushed it off. He’s been into gaming since I’ve known him, and this has never been an issue for me.”

“Before I lived there, I would usually only go over on the weekends, and he would sometimes go down there to game, while I hung out upstairs. Now that we are living together, he goes down there every single night right after he gets home from work to game.”

This has never bothered her, as she’s not a night owl and needs to get up early for work. However, right after she moved into her fiancé’s home, he went out and purchased a lock for the door to his office.

He claimed the lock was for work purposes and that he must keep it locked up in order to have the liberty of working from home.

Her fiancé is in the healthcare industry, and he does have patient records that he has to look at, so at first, she figured perhaps there’s validity in having to keep his office under lock and key.

Evrymmnt – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“This would be weird to me regardless, but what makes it weirder is that never once in the 3 years we have been together has he ever mentioned that he works from home at all,” she added.

She even straight-up questioned her fiancé about whether he had the ability to do his job from home some days early on into dating him, and he said that wasn’t possible.

Every single weekend she’s spent by her fiancé’s side, and she has not once seen him go to his basement office to do work.

During the weekdays, she is aware that he has to actually go into his office. So there are no work-from-home days, making his reasoning behind the lock false, and that much she knows is true.

She can’t imagine what exactly he’s guarding down there that he desperately doesn’t want her to come across. She can guarantee he’s not hiding an affair at least, but she’s been hesitant to ask him what is hiding in the basement, as she’s worried he will become angry with her.

There’s also the possibility that if she pushes the envelope, her fiancé will believe she has no trust in him, which could ruin their relationship.

“I also am a firm believer in still maintaining some type of privacy within a relationship. I let him have his space and do his own things and never question him or snoop,” she said.

“But I feel like having a room locked and completely off-limits to your partner is a little extreme. I’m just looking for some advice, maybe from some other men? Maybe I’m just thinking into it too much, and I should let it go. Is this just normal behavior? I know “man caves” are a thing for a reason.”

She would hate for her fiancé to not have a dedicated space to himself, but she’s really getting twisted over what he’s hiding from her.

Additionally, she knows she might just be getting stressed out for no reason and he very well could need the lock for work.

Their baby is due in a few months, and while she’s elated to begin building her family with her fiancé, the locked basement door is taking the wind out of her sails.

“Side note: this isn’t like some creepy basement where he could be hiding bodies or something like that, lol. I’ve seen the room before; it’s just a normal little office with his computer, his guitar, and some old random boxes of stuff,” she concluded.

0What do you think he’s hiding down there, and do you think it’s normal?Post a comment.

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