Her Mother-In-Law Broke Into Her Home And Chopped Off Her Hair In The Middle Of The Night

Gorodenkoff - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you thought you had a monster-in-law, I mean mother-in-law, think again because this poor woman takes the cake for one of the worst things I’ve ever heard an in-law do.

Yesterday evening, she woke up and noticed her hair had been botched. As in, one side of her head is sporting a raggedy pixie-style cut, and the flip side has hair hanging down beneath her shoulder. Yikes upon yikes.

Initially, she thought she was still sleeping or perhaps just going crazy, but unfortunately, she does have a whacky new haircut that she did not give herself.

She then questioned her husband, Tim, about what on earth had happened to her hair, but he danced around the issue.

By the way, Tim’s been acting a bit off recently, so she thought he had something to do with her new do. Eventually, he confessed to her that his mom might have been involved with the makeover she never asked for.

Well, she then learned that her mother-in-law Diane full-on believes that she’s been conducting an affair behind Tim’s back.

As for why Diane is under this impression, a week ago, Diane witnessed her grabbing lunch with her male coworker, Kyle.

In case you’re curious, Kyle is totally gay, and they were chatting about their jobs while at lunch with one another.

A reasonable person might say something. Diane just jumped right into seeking revenge for a fake scenario.

Gorodenkoff – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“But Diane decided I must be having an affair and, instead of, you know, talking to me or Tim, she broke into our house in the middle of the night with scissors and went full Edward Scissorhands on my hair,” she explained.

“This morning, I confronted her. At first, she played innocent, but when I pressed her, she literally said, “Well, maybe now you’ll think twice before humiliating my son!”

“I. Was. Fuming. I told her Kyle isn’t even into women, but she just rolled her eyes and said something like, “That’s what they all say.” I didn’t even know how to respond to that level of delusion.”

Tim has been saying sorry, and he’s alarmed that Diane stooped to this level. Diane not only invaded her space and wrecked her hair – she’s still acting like what she did was justified.

She would love to cut Diane right out of her life, but that puts Tim in the middle, and she thinks forcing him to pick between her or Diane might implode their relationship.

What advice do you have for her, and what’s the worst thing your mother-in-law has ever done to you?

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