He Didn’t Tell His Wife That He Secretly Bought The House His In-Laws Put An Offer On So They Can’t Be Their Neighbors

This man’s wife doesn’t have the best relationship with her parents, and it’s largely to do with them, not her. His in-laws do not acknowledge boundaries, they’re bossy, and they love to dole out their opinions on how others should live their lives.
His wife struggles with standing up to her mom and dad since she is the definition of a “people-pleaser.” Additionally, his wife’s parents funded her very lengthy and costly college education, so she feels as if she does owe them.
“I don’t have big issues with them, but then I don’t have any problem saying no to my elders, having left home for college at 16 and having become pretty wealthy before 30,” he explained.
He, his wife, and their two little children moved a long way from his in-laws several years ago, and having that space has improved their relationship.
His in-laws do spend time in his wife’s hometown as well as in California. But his mother-in-law just retired, and his in-laws said they would like to sell their main home and move to be closer to them.
He thought it wouldn’t ever happen, but then, a couple of weeks back, a home two properties away from them went up for sale.
They live in a private area with not a lot of homes, and people hardly ever move. His in-laws jumped on putting a bid on this home.
“Their sense of entitlement extends to real estate and they put in a low bid full of conditions. Still, my wife was very worried,” he added.
“She does not want them as neighbors. Neither do I nor do I want to see a rare modest home in our area go to a part-time resident when housing is scarce here. I quickly formed an LLC and bid full ask. I can afford it. It was accepted. We close shortly, and I plan to rent it out (rental housing is very hard to find here) and leave management to an agency.”

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“I did NOT tell my wife. Our finances are mostly separate. I did not want to put her in a position where she would have to lie to her parents or reveal what would be taken as a very provocative action. The in-laws raged against the “mystery person who gazumped them,” the seller, the realtor. I just nodded sympathetically.”
He confided in his brother, who wasted no time calling him a jerk for secretly bidding on the house. So, he’s left wondering if his brother is right.
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You can read the original post below.

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