Her Fiancé Got Her Boss’s Daughter Pregnant, Yet They’re Painting Her As The Homewrecker

AnnaDemy - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is currently pregnant, but her fiancé also just got her boss’s daughter pregnant, too, and they’re painting her as the homewrecker.

Everyone she works with has come to believe that she’s somehow the mistress in this mess, even though that couldn’t be further from the truth.

She wasn’t even aware that this was happening until she heard her fiancé tell his boss that he was getting ready to step into the role of being a dad.

She figured he was talking about her baby, but nope, he was talking about the other baby. Looking back, there were plenty of signs she missed that her fiancé was cheating on her.

He began to come home really late, and she could smell an elegant perfume on him that she didn’t wear. He would tell her that there were a lot of upscale scents at the office in an effort to cover it up.

She was so worn out dealing with being pregnant that she didn’t really have the energy to dig into his lies. He also began sneaking away for meetings after work or to take strange phone calls alone if she popped up. He would disappear during lunch, too.

“Then, last month, my boss cornered me. She started going on about “personal boundaries” and “not letting personal relationships disrupt the office,” she explained.

“I had no clue what she was implying until she flat-out asked me to respect her daughter’s relationship with my fiancé. Said it so casually, as if I was the side piece, as though I was the one messing with them.”

“I almost fainted on the spot. My fiancé had spun some story that made me look like a jealous ex-girlfriend, lurking around while he’s building a “future” with the boss’s daughter.”

AnnaDemy – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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She and her fiancé planned their baby and chose baby names together, which makes it feel even more inconceivable that he was going behind her back and sleeping with her boss’s daughter.

Her fiancé was so excited to be a dad, and it’s dawning on her that he was probably telling her boss’s daughter the same things that he was telling her about creating their family in the house of their dreams.

She does live with him, by the way, and if she was not about to have a baby, she would have been long gone by now.

She’s trying to piece together what she should do and how she can save her reputation when everyone in her office believes she’s the homewrecker and she’s the problem.

As for why none of her coworkers believe her, she’s not the kind of person who shares a lot about her love life on the internet, and neither is her fiancé, so she doesn’t have much evidence to back up that she’s engaged to him.

They never shared an engagement announcement on social media, nor did they have an engagement party or anything to celebrate the news.

Additionally, she’s terrified to blow up his lies in the office, as she’s concerned about losing her job over it. She also can’t go to HR, as she knows her boss will side with her daughter.

So, her boss’s daughter has just gone around telling her coworkers that she’s some kind of crazy and jealous ex squatting in her fiancé’s home while she’s had to sit by and watch this unfold.

Her fiancé has not only ruined her personal life and shattered their shared future; he’s tanking her reputation at work in the process. He’s taking everything away from her.

She feels lonely dealing with all of this. She’s afraid to tell her family, and her best friend is so furious she can barely talk to her.

“I feel like I’m breathing glass shards every time I think about his betrayal. Meanwhile, I’m supposed to keep calm for the sake of this baby growing inside me,” she continued.

“So that’s it. That’s my secret: I’m engaged to a two-timer, pregnant by a man who’s also fathering my boss’s grandchild. If there’s any silver lining, it’s that maybe my baby will never remember the chaos of these months.”

“I just know I deserve a better ending than this nightmare. I hope I can find the courage to leave before he tears me down even more, and I hope telling my story is the first step in reclaiming my life.”

What advice do you have for her?

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