Her Mom’s Convinced She’s In Love With Her Stepdad

This 21-year-old girl has always had a great connection with her 46-year-old mom, even after her mom divorced her dad.
But then, when her 37-year-old stepdad came into the picture, things got weird. Now, her mom has always been unconventional, but she wasn’t ever mean.
Her mom has forever done everything in her power to make her and her 23-year-old sister feel special and appreciated.
“That changed when she started dating my stepfather. While I got along with him and he respected my privacy, my mother started acting differently,” she explained.
“At first, it was subtle things like, “You two spend a lot of time together,” and “You’re getting really friendly.” I brushed it off, mostly because I didn’t [think] much of it. My stepfather and I only spent time together when I visited my mom.”
“Yes, we joked around, but it was harmless and never inappropriate—jokes like, “Looking like death today, huh?” We never got physical.”
There was absolutely no physical contact of any kind between her and her stepdad, as being touched in any way has always made her uneasy, and her stepdad never crossed that line. He’s been nothing but respectful with her.
Time wore on, and her mom became increasingly nasty and negative with her remarks. She began to pull away from her mom and stepdad, as she was worried about destroying the bond she shares with her mom.
She felt confused, too, as she couldn’t figure out where she had gone wrong to cause her mom to view her as competition for her stepdad’s affection.

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Then, her mom asked her to come over to have cake and coffee with her, and she said yes. While they were chatting that day, her mom blindsided her by demanding to know if she had a crush on her stepdad.
“I was caught off guard, shocked, and mostly confused. I told her no and asked why she thought that. She said it was because we were too close to just be friends, and she noticed the way he looked at me,” she said.
“I reassured her that, while we got along well, I only saw him as a father figure and didn’t feel anything romantic toward him. I also reminded her that she’d always wanted us to get along. But then she got angry, accusing me of lying and insisting she wasn’t blind.”
“The conversation escalated, and I stood up, telling her that the whole thing was ridiculous. I left, and she began texting me things like, “I can’t believe my own daughter would betray me,” among other hurtful things.”
She didn’t engage and went to her older sister about what their mom had done. Her older sister said she should not reply, as their mom was not acting like herself.
She did what her sister advised and quit speaking to or seeing their mom two months ago. Earlier today, her mom sent her a note requesting that they meet so they can discuss what happened.
“I’m torn because, on one hand, I don’t really want to meet her after everything that’s happened, but on the other hand, I’d like to resolve things and hear her side,” she continued.
What do you think she should do?
You can read the original post below.

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