Her Stepdad Left Her Nothing To Inherit, And Only Now Do Her Siblings Believe That This Man Wasn’t Her Dad

Portrait of blonde smiling woman sitting on comfortable sofa at home
contrastwerkstatt - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Eleven months ago, this woman’s stepdad passed away, and he got married to her mom back when she was four-years-old.

Although her stepdad joined the little family that she and her mom already had, he never treated her like his own child.

In fact, when she was still just a little girl, her stepdad sat her down and said he was not her dad and that her biological dad was some jerk who left her mom when she was pregnant.

“He said if I ever wanted a father, I needed to track him down, but I shouldn’t expect him to step up. He wanted his own kids,” she explained.

“My mom and [he] had three kids together. There’s an 8 to 11-year age gap between me and them. And they always believed we were full siblings. My mom never corrected it, and their father never realized they believed that.”

When her youngest sibling turned 12, she decided to tell them all the truth: they didn’t share the same dad. She figured they were all old enough to understand, and she presented them with her birth certificate to prove her dad wasn’t the same as theirs.

Her siblings refused to believe her. She then outlined that since she had a different dad, that’s why her stepdad treated her so much worse than them.

But not even that fact convinced her siblings. They argued that she was the oldest child, which accounted for how cruel her stepdad was to her.

Five years ago, her mom passed away, leaving her with nothing, and then her stepdad got sick. She got into an enormous argument with her siblings since she said she would not help them care for her ailing stepdad.

Portrait of blonde smiling woman sitting on comfortable sofa at home
contrastwerkstatt – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“They hated me for it and said I was taking the difference in treatment out on him when it was known older kids have it [differently],” she said.

“They told me if this was more he’s not my dad [nonsense], then I needed to get…over it and accept that we’re full siblings.”

“Now that he’s dead? They have finally accepted it because he left me nothing in his will and left very strict instructions that I get nothing because I’m not his child.”

She’s in her 30s, happily married with children, and her siblings are all in their 20s. She’s not upset by her stepdad leaving her with nothing to inherit, as it’s not a surprise to her.

This man hated her, and she didn’t think he would show her any kindness in the end. Her siblings have not apologized to her for failing to believe her when she told the truth about her stepdad, and instead, they’re saying they need to chat with her about the will and her painful childhood.

She has no interest in dredging up the past, and she doesn’t want to get into more arguments with her siblings about her stepdad, especially since he’s no longer here.

“They accused me of never giving them a real chance to understand. I told them they had been so quick to shut down the truth and to accuse me of just being a petty daughter and unable to accept the truth because I was bitter that I didn’t feel the need to give them more chances with this,” she continued.

“I said I had accepted long ago that the man would have been happier if I didn’t exist and wasn’t around. I didn’t need to hold their hand through the truth that’s [got] nothing to do with them in the end.”

“They think I should be more open. Maybe I should be.”

Do you think she should hear her siblings out, or do you think she should keep declining to get into a discussion about her stepdad and her lack of inheritance?

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