Her Stepdad Tricked Her Into Thinking She Was Going To Be A Teen Mom, And It’s Been Haunting Her Ever Since

Back when this woman was only 15, her stepdad got the idea in his mind to “teach her a lesson” about being safe when it came to her personal life.
He tricked her into thinking she was going to be a teen mom and lied that she was pregnant after he found out that she had slept with a guy.
Her stepdad asked her to give him a urine sample and said the pregnancy test came back positive. He was an adult and an authority figure to her, so she believed him. She thought she was pregnant.
“For roughly five months, 18 weeks, I believed I was going to have a baby. My body even seemed to respond—I gained weight, had morning sickness, cravings, and even felt what I thought were kicks,” she explained.
“I mentally prepared for this child. I grieved the life I thought I’d lose as a teen mom but also grew to love the baby I thought was growing inside me.”
“My reputation at school took the expected hit. And then the hit you’d expect when I don’t end up having that baby. Yep, I became that girl.”
She found out about the lie when she questioned her stepdad about receiving prenatal care. He literally laughed in her face as he confessed to what he did.
This all happened when they were sitting down for dinner together, and she felt crushed to find out the truth about her stepdad’s actions.
Her stepdad also came across the journal she was keeping, hoping for her future baby to look back on one day. He swiped it from her, and spent the following week making fun of what she had written in there.

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“It felt like I had lost a child, even though there was never a baby. It always felt wrong to say I suffered a miscarriage, so I never felt like I could talk to somebody about the kind of grief I felt,” she continued.
“This experience has haunted me for years. It’s left me with trust issues, trauma, and a lingering grief that’s hard to explain to anyone who hasn’t been through something similar. I’ve tried to find others who’ve had an experience like mine, but I haven’t found anything.”
“I wanted to share my story here because I feel like this kind of thing hasn’t been talked about. If you’ve been through something similar, I’d love to hear from you. And if not, thank you for letting me get this off my chest.”
Later on in life, when she did finally end up pregnant, she had twins, and it felt special to her. It felt like she was gifted the baby she thought she was going to have back when she was 15.
Viewing her pregnancy through this lens gave her the comfort she so needed to make peace with her past, especially since she felt so much love and care for the baby that ended up never existing.
It was almost like that baby she expected to have became so real to her that they were meant to come into her life when the time came.
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