His Sister’s Facing Prison Time For Poisoning His Roommate, Then Confessing To What She Did

This 29-year-old guy is living a complete nightmare thanks to what his sister decided to do to his roommate, Jack, whom he’s been living with for the last two years.
Jack really is a nice man, and when Jack moved in with him, he outlined that he has severe allergies that can threaten his life due to his autoimmune disorder.
Jack is allergic to an exhaustive list of things, including fish, tree nuts, meat protein, soy, dairy, and shellfish. In order to keep himself safe, Jack has a tiny fridge in his room to prevent cross-contamination, and he has foods he can eat in another cabinet.
He and Jack have never once experienced a problem with his allergies, but then, a week ago, his sister moved in with them.
She was waiting for her new apartment to be ready, so he agreed to allow her to stay with him in the meantime, and Jack was fine, so long as she didn’t mess with him or his belongings.
His sister instantly decided that she hated Jack. She accused him of making up his allergies, and he thought his sister was just being mean but wouldn’t act on it, but he couldn’t have been more wrong.
His sister went on a mission to demonstrate that Jack was a liar and his allergies were made up. So she went into Jack’s personal fridge, removed a sandwich, and put bacon grease inside without telling a single soul about this.
“Jack ate about half the sandwich before my sister jumped up and yelled, “Gotcha! I knew you were lying!” She thought she’d caught him faking,” he explained.
“But what she didn’t realize was that Jack’s allergic reactions aren’t always immediate. A few minutes later, he collapsed. He started seizing and gasping for air.”

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“I panicked and called 911. Jack was rushed to the hospital. He could’ve died. The next day, Jack’s sister showed up at our apartment, furious.”
Jack’s sister was yelling, and he had to intervene to prevent her from hurting his sister, though he understood why she was so upset.
His sister then blurted out that she did poison Jack’s food in an effort to reveal he was lying about his allergies. But his sister didn’t know that Jack’s sister recorded everything, and she handed that evidence over to the police.
His sister has since been arrested, and she’s facing felony charges. His family got his sister a lawyer, who thinks there’s no way his sister can win this case.
“The recording and her confession are ironclad. If convicted, she’s looking at 5–10 years in prison and a felony record that will ruin her future,” he said.
“Now my family is furious with me. They think I should be doing more to help my sister, which to them means convincing Jack to drop the charges. They keep saying things like, “She’s your sister—how can you let her life be ruined over a mistake?” and “Family comes first.” They’re blaming me for letting her stay with me in the first place and for not “fixing” this.”
“Here’s the thing: I don’t agree with what my sister did. I’m disgusted by her actions. Jack could’ve died. How can I even look him in the eye and ask him to drop the charges when he’s the victim here? He’s been through so much already, and it’s not his responsibility to save my sister from the consequences of her own choices.”
His family is treating him like a backstabber for not doing more to bail his sister out. He does want to do the right thing, which is standing with Jack, as his sister could have killed him.
But he’s worried that doing the right thing is going to obliterate his ability to have a relationship with his loved ones.
Adding to the insanity, he has to live with Jack for another seven months until their lease is up. Though Jack went to stay with his mom and dad after landing in the hospital after what his sister did, he’s returning to their place shortly.
“What would you do in my situation? How do I deal with my family’s anger and pressure? And how do I even begin to make things right with Jack?” he wondered.
You can read the original post below.

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