She’s Been Haunted By A Benevolent Black Cat Her Whole Life, And Her Brother’s Seen The Cat Too

Portrait of a black cat
fotogray71 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

Jane, who goes by @jekellandhyde on TikTok, actually isn’t a believer in the spirit world at all, which might come as a surprise to you considering her experience with a paranormal black cat.

When Jane was little, she started seeing a neighborhood black cat and it would peer into her basement window to watch what she was doing.

Her whole family knew about the cat, who would stare specifically at Jane. Sometimes, she would see the shadowy cat inside the house out of the corner of her eye, even though they didn’t have a pet cat, so there was no explanation for it.

Jane began referring to the cat as her imaginary friend, Jake. Jake would follow her home from school, and as she grew older, Jane stopped seeing Jake as much.

One day during Jane’s senior year of high school, she was sitting in her physics class, taking a test.

“Out of the corner of my eye, as solid as I saw the real cat itself, I see a black cat, and I stood up and screamed because I was so scared,” Jane explained in her video.

“And everyone around me is like, what…are you screaming about? And I, being like the indignant argumentative child that I was, was like, ‘There’s a cat right…!’ And there was no cat.”

Jane was thoroughly creeped out, and she was worried that the school would tell her parents. She quit talking about the cat, thinking perhaps something had to be terribly wrong with her.

Several years went by without Jane seeing the cat. Then she was in New York City going on her third date with the man she later got engaged to, and they somehow got separated, so she sat down for a psychic reading.

Portrait of a black cat
fotogray71 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

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The psychic looked at her and said she had a friendly spirit attached to her that was trying to help guide her. The psychic went on to say that the spirit was afraid to show itself since it seemed she had a bad reaction to it or screamed at it.

Jane was shocked, and the psychic added the spirit liked to appear as a cat, and it clicked for Jane that it was the cat she saw in her physics class and had been seeing her whole life.

“She tells me that the spirit wants me to know that it’s a good spirit, it’s here to guide me, it’s only friendly, it’s only been trying to bring me luck my whole life,” Jane added.

The psychic encouraged Jane to welcome the cat in, which scared her. Years after this, she had another reading with a different psychic who brought up the cat.

Jane didn’t tell anyone in her life about the cat, and in 2020, Jane and her fiancé moved into a lake house her mom and dad owned.

Jane started seeing a shadow all over again, but this time, it appeared as a man, not a cat. Jane ignored the spirit and didn’t say a word to her fiancé.

But then her fiancé spookily said to her that he would see the shadow of a man hanging around her, and after several weeks, they both started seeing the shadow man constantly.

One day, Jane decided to ask out loud if anyone was there while she was in her living room, and the cable box on top of the TV literally spelled out hello.

On another occasion, Jane and her fiancé were sitting in bed when they heard a door open, some rustling sounds followed, and then the door closed once again.

It freaked them out so badly that they called the police, who reviewed their camera footage and searched the exterior and interior of their house, but nothing had gone in or out.

Months after that, Jane’s brother came to visit, and she decided to tell him about the spirit. Now, Jane’s brother doesn’t believe in anything, in fact, he’s atheist.

“He goes, ‘Jane, I really, really don’t want to scare you, and I would not make something like this up, but when we were younger, when you were around, I used to see that black cat out of the corner of my eye,'” Jane continued.

Jane can still see the spirit, but she still tries to ignore him to this day. And that’s her strange ghost story for you.

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