She’s Devastated That Her Husband Confessed He’s No Longer In Love With Her Like He Used To Be

This 37-year-old woman and her 38-year-old husband were lying in bed together one day, just chatting, since their kids were busy playing, and they had a rare moment with just the two of them.
She and her husband were facing one another, and she decided to ask him teasingly if he still was in love with her.
Instead of getting a cute response back, what he confessed was horrifying for her to hear. She thought he would plant a kiss on her and say that, of course, he’s still madly in love with her.
But no, he stared right into her eyes and admitted that he doesn’t feel the same love for her that he had back when they initially met. Blindsided, she wanted to know what he even meant by that.
“He said, you know I’m not like head over heels in love with you like I used to be. I was shocked and asked, “Well, do you still think I’m pretty?” He said you’re old, but you are still beautiful!” she exclaimed.
Her husband quickly tried to backtrack and make her feel like she was taking things out of context. However, she’s not sure how her husband expected to avoid crushing her self-esteem with his honesty.
She burst into tears and asked if he could possibly fall back in love with her like how it used to be for him, and he said it could happen.
It’s important to add that they met back in high school, and her husband did let her know he was crushing on her, but nothing happened.
Years later, they ran into one another again, ended up dating eight years ago, and have been together ever since. They currently have four kids together, with the oldest, twins, being four-years-old.

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“Life is a little crazy, very busy, and a lot of times stressful right now with all the kids being so young, but I still am in love with him! I keep thinking about what he said, and it makes me so sad, and for some reason, I’m so mad,” she added.
“I’m a SAHM, and I find myself thinking about it a lot during the day. While I’m changing…diapers, cleaning up messes after toddlers, and looking like pure [junk].”
“I have been crying about it when he is gone working. I’ve been feeling very melancholy about my life now and thinking about how it is something completely different than what I believed it was. I thought we were in love.”
She’s worn out with running their house and caring for their kids, so she does not have a few minutes to invest in her own appearance.
She’s frequently in sweatpants, and she doesn’t have time to do her makeup, her nails, or her hair. She knows she’s not looking her best, but she’s got too much on her plate to come first.
She’s left feeling heartbroken and like she’s no longer “exciting” for her husband to be married to at this rate. She’s not sure if she is being overdramatic or if this is a normal thing that husbands and wives experience on a long enough timeline.
“I don’t want to be in a marriage where I’m just someone who the other person “has love for!” Has anyone else been in this situation, and were you able to fix it, or is my husband just not into me anymore?!” she wondered.
You can read the original post below.

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