She Rolled Her Eyes After Her Ex’s Wife Begged Her For Compassion, So Her Ex Wants Her To Apologize

Seven years ago, this 33-year-old woman broke up with her ex, who is the father of her two children, a nine-year-old son and an 11-year-old son.
She and her ex were never married, and they split in a friendly way. They proceeded to effectively co-parent for the following few years, but then her ex met his wife, and she wrecked their dynamic.
“It was clear she didn’t like me or the fact that ex and I could get along. When we met, she called me the kids ‘other mom,’ implying she was the mom, and she glared daggers in my direction when I told her I was the other mom but just the mom,” she explained.
Her ex’s wife literally tried to replace her, and she also demanded that all discussions regarding the kids go through her.
She declined to speak to her ex’s wife about their kids in lieu of her ex, and that really offended this woman. Then, her ex’s wife would bombard her with photos of the boys when they were with her.
Her ex’s wife would mention that she had a fabulous time with her kids and her husband, which really was weird to her. Sure, her ex was her husband, but those were not her kids!
She attempted to talk to her ex about this mess, and he backed up his wife, pointing out that she was trying to take a more active role in their boys’ lives.
“I told him how she spoke to me wasn’t acceptable, and he said it came from insecurity, and he felt like I was a big enough person to know that,” she said.
“While we were talking, she texted me, saying I had no right to discuss her children with her husband. I showed [my] ex, and he told me it was just her being insecure.”

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“But this was the breakdown in our co-parenting relationship because I didn’t appreciate the fact I was supposed to let his wife walk all over me and push me out eventually because it was clear she wanted that.”
From there, her ex’s wife had meltdowns whenever she was blocked from playing mom. For instance, she was upset when she wasn’t permitted to put her friends and family members on the school pickup list.
Her ex’s wife also wasn’t happy when she was unable to switch the boys to a new pediatrician that she wanted or when she couldn’t bring the boys to another state to see her family.
Her ex never gave her a hard time about much, but his wife absolutely did.
“She introduced herself as the kids’ mom every single time we went to a PT conference, or she showed up at a medical appointment for our youngest, who has some health issues,” she added.
“We actually returned to court twice over this. Ex and her were told by the judge that she was not the mother of the children and she did not have the right to impersonate me when it came to school or medical settings. The judge also warned that the court would not take kindly to any alienation of the children.”
“Ex’s wife tried to claim I was engaging in it and that the proof was in the kids not calling her mom even though they were very young when she became their mom. The judge asked for proof and claimed that wasn’t proof. The second time, there was a documented incident of her saying she was the kids’ real mom in front of them, and the judge restricted certain things she can do.”
Her ex’s wife is now unable to drop off the kids, and she’s barred from attending school meetings or appointments if both parents have to be present.
The only great thing to come of all this is that her ex’s wife rarely speaks to her, and that’s a positive in her book.
Her boys tell her they basically hate her ex’s wife, and even though they’re in family therapy, it’s not helping them like this woman more.
She recently learned that her ex’s wife is unable to have children of her own and was rejected from being able to adopt, whatever that means.
As for how she knows all of this sensitive information, her ex’s wife showed up at her house and proceeded to tell her all of these things.
“I almost closed the door on her, which she noticed, but [she] kept talking about her issues and then told me to have some compassion for her and at least hear her out and try to help since we’re both the mothers of the boys,” she continued.
“I rolled my eyes when she asked me for compassion. I didn’t even try to hide it. And I had no sympathy for her. None.”
“I can’t say I’m upset that my kids don’t like her, seeing as I think it would open up the avenue for her to try harder to push me out and would possibly open them up to being alienated against me.”
Her ex’s wife started hurling insults at her, so she walked away. Her ex’s wife sent her 10 texts in a row after she left, and then her ex insisted she needs to apologize for the eye roll.
She knows it wasn’t the most adult way to handle her ex’s wife, so she’s left wondering if it was wrong of her to roll her eyes as this woman begged on her doorstep for compassion.
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You can read the original post below.

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