He Encouraged His Girlfriend To Abandon Her Son, So Now He Feels Guilty Since The Boy Called Her Up Sobbing

Little boy hugging his mom with a sad expression on his face.
andreiko - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

For a bit more than two years now, this 32-year-old man has been dating his 28-year-old girlfriend. His girlfriend was a single mom to a seven-year-old boy back when he started seeing her.

However, his girlfriend had no desire to become a mom, and her son was born out of what he refers to as an “unfortunate” set of events.

All along, his girlfriend confided in him that she felt like her son was imprisoning her in a life she didn’t want to lead, and she didn’t feel like she had any kind of a connection to the little boy.

She stated that she wanted to be able to start over and that her son had caused her to suffer in a financial as well as mental sense.

“I told her that if she truly felt that way, she should consider other options, including giving full custody to her ex (who has always wanted more involvement) or even a close relative like her mother, who has her son for the majority of the time anyway due to her job,” he explained.

“He had been asking for it for a while, and she just didn’t seem ready to be a mom. She told me she didn’t feel like she was cut out for it, and after hearing how much stress it was causing her, I thought giving him a stable home with his dad would be the best for everyone.”

Upon encouraging his girlfriend to abandon her son, that’s exactly what she ultimately did. His girlfriend handed over full custody to her ex, and they both picked up and moved to a brand new city together.

His girlfriend’s job was the motivating factor behind their relocation, and now she says she feels like the burden she’s been suffering from is gone.

Although his girlfriend is feeling free and happy, every single person she knows is accusing her of being an awful human being.

His girlfriend’s loved ones believe that he “manipulated” her into giving away her son. He never pushed her to do that; he simply supported her decision, and so everyone believes he’s a monster.

“Now, a few weeks later, her son called her. He was crying. He said he missed her and didn’t understand why she wasn’t there anymore,” he continued.

“Hearing that completely crushed her. She’s been really upset, and honestly, I’m torn up too. I thought I was helping, but now I’m questioning everything. I feel like I made the wrong decision, like I pushed her into something that’s hurting both of them.”

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to encourage his girlfriend to give away her son. What do you think?

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