
He Recently Found Out That His Girlfriend Of Five Years Had Been With Nearly All The Guys In Their Friend Group Before They Started Dating, And He Isn’t Sure What To Think About That

Yakobchuk Olena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 26-year-old guy was in college, he met his current girlfriend– who is also 26. So, they have now been dating for about five years.

Back when he was a student, though, he was reportedly a bit of a loner. At the same time, his girlfriend had a whole group of friends who she always hung out with.

That’s why, after they met, he was sort of “indoctrinated” into that group.

“And I have been friends with them for the five years I’ve been with my girlfriend,” he said.

Once he and his girlfriend finally became exclusive, though, they apparently decided to sit down one evening and discuss all of their previous relationships.

But, during that conversation, he claimed his girlfriend never once mentioned the fact that she had been intimate with nearly all of the guys in their friend group.

That’s why he was completely blindsided during a conversation with his guy friend a couple of days ago.

Apparently, the discussion began when he started talking to his friend about when they first met and the fact that they got introduced through his girlfriend.

And eventually, his friend made a remark about how he really turned his girlfriend around. The friend also noted how his girlfriend had seriously “changed for the better” ever since they started dating.

Yakobchuk Olena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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