
Her Husband Met A Nurse That He Claims He Wants To Be Friends With, But She Suspects There’s More Going On Here, As He’s Been Looking Her Up On Social Media A Lot

JackF - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman has a husband who is 27, and a few months ago, her husband’s sister and niece landed in the hospital after suffering from a house fire.

Her husband’s family was hospitalized for more than 2 whole weeks, and luckily they are alright now.

However, she never managed to make it over to the hospital to visit her husband’s family because of work and caring for their son.

While her husband was visiting his family, though, he ended up hitting it off with one of the nurses who was caring for his niece.

This nurse was very nice and shared some of the same interests that her husband does, but that’s all she really knew about this nurse.

Then, as the day approached when her husband’s family was about to leave the hospital, she called him up one day to ask how they were doing, as her husband was at the hospital still.

Her husband chatted with her about his family, and then their conversation turned to what they should make for dinner that night.

But then, out of nowhere, her husband blurted out that he feels as if he is not allowed to make any new female friends without feeling remorseful.

He then tried to blame her for that before saying he thought this nurse that he met would be a great friend.

JackF – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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