
Her Boyfriend Admitted That He Misses Being Single Sometimes, So Now She Isn’t Sure If She Should Break Up With Him

Petro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old woman has been with her boyfriend, who is 32, for about a year now. And according to her, her boyfriend shows his love in both actions and words.

They also work together to prioritize healthy communication, which is why they each participate in a monthly “relationship check-in.”

During these conversations, she and her boyfriend share how they feel in their relationship and set goals for upcoming months whenever there are any issues.

“He was the one who suggested this dynamic, and we haven’t had any major issues so far,” she revealed.

But, just last night, they had their May check-in. And during that discussion, her boyfriend admitted to overthinking things a lot since he is unsure about various facets of his life.

Now, she has known for a long time that her boyfriend struggles with commitment in terms of his career. Apparently, he has changed jobs multiple times even though he is a hardworking and responsible employee.

On top of that, her boyfriend is not sure where he would like to live and cannot really see himself settling down in one place forever.

“He is aware that this inability to feel satisfied without questioning whether there’s something better out there is pathological, and he is working on it with a therapist,” she explained.

She has also known that her boyfriend sometimes wonders about their relationship. However, he never broke her trust or let his fear of commitment get in the way of being faithful to her.

Petro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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