
His Wife Pranked Him About Several Pregnancies So When She Finally Announced Being Pregnant For Real He Flipped Out On Her And Is Asking The Internet For Help

His wife also got her mom to call him up and admonish him over the phone, saying he has no respect for her.

His wife then had the audacity to tell him that he “ruined the moment she’s been waiting for so long for and that she’ll remember my reaction for the rest of her life.”

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“What did she think was going to happen? She sounds like she has a pretty wide cruel streak. Why would she think pranks like that are funny?”

“Why would she enjoy your sadness and disappointment, not once but twice!”

“She ruined her own moment with her cruel stupidity. PS: You didn’t make her look awful; she is awful.”


“If my wife had done this to me I think I’d have seen red and flipped out too, you can’t expect the guy to be logical after the first two pranks. No idea why he stayed around for a potential 3rd prank”


“Is there a book on the little boy who cried wolf? He may want to get it for the baby’s collection and his wife can read it!”


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