
She Tracked Down Her Dad After Never Knowing Who He Was And Now He’s Asking The Internet If He Should Have Kept The Truth From Her About Why He Wasn’t In Her Life

“You spoke the truth and had no way to predict the outcome.”


“This poor girl needs some truth in her life. It seems like right now, she is justifiably angry with her mom, but I don’t think it will last forever.”

“Her mother is deceased, which means ultimately no harm is coming to her for your honesty. This is a no-win situation, because either she’s mad at you or she’s mad at her mom.”

“She already has good memories of her mom to fall back on, while you have no such thing. This way, she can have at least one alive parent. You both deserve the chance to connect.”


“If you want this girl in your life, then I think it’s going to take a long time and some therapy to get over that anger. I remember my twenties and I found plenty to be angry about.”

“Would gently suggest you get a DNA test to know for sure, though… It’s good that you told the truth but it’s all a little shady.”

“You all deserve the truth and it’s a rite of passage to humanize your mother/father – they are flawed people, not angels.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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