
Out Of The Blue This Guy’s Girlfriend Tried To Rope Him Into Joining Her Cult And He’s Telling The Internet He’s Devastated She Dumped Him After He Refused

“What seemed so sweet and perfect and certainly like the love of my life turned out to be a recruiter for a creepy cult.”

“By the way, I never told her I didn’t want to join. I never argued with her about it. I supported her and told her that I had my own church already so I couldn’t join (not a cult btw).”

“That wasn’t enough for her.”

It has now been 2 months since she dumped him, and he hasn’t been able to recover. He feels like things get harder for him every day instead of better.

He’s taking depression medication and seeing a therapist, but he still feels like he is going out of his mind over the breakup.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“This is actually a very, very common cult recruiting scheme. I have a cousin who was suckered into joining a cult by a woman exactly like this, now he sleeps on a bunk bed in a room with 8 other dudes.”


“From what I recall about Charles Manson, this was MO with the women in his cult. I recall reading the reason the Family had so many women was in order to lure men in and he only valued the men.”

“One of the women, Squeaky, was pretty much bedding down George Spahn, the elderly blind owner of the now-infamous Spahn’s ranch in order for the Family to have a free place to live.”

“In any case, if you know about the Manson Family and the Tate-LaBianca murders, you know how that all turned out.”

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