
She Humiliated Her Fiancé’s Female Coworker And Now He’s Telling The Internet He’s Putting The Wedding On Hold For Now

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“Put the wedding in the trash. Cancel everything. Block her and all her people. Holy bejeezus this is sociopathic behavior.”


“Jesus I thought I was insecure (I’m working on it) but that is not only some deep insecurity, that was such a cruel and humiliating way for Amy to go about the situation.”

“All to a woman who has been nothing but kind to her, and just happens to look beautiful. Doing this all publicly is such immature, and awful mean girl behavior.”


“She hurt Tally because of her baseless jealousy and made her ostracized, and eventually quit her job.”

“She deprived her of working opportunities and made her lose contact with her friends from work. Those are very serious accusations and she can’t go behind your back and ruin people’s lives.”

“I’d be worried what else she is capable of doing and reconsider the wedding.”

“Who knows, maybe it occurred for a reason, so you’ll see this side of her before the wedding and not afterward. I’d be livid if I were you, this is outright cruel.”


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