
He Told His Girlfriend She Should Get A Boob Job But Now He’s Asking The Internet If He Shouldn’t Have Said That

“It definitely wasn’t the response she wanted, but it was the outcome she was afraid of and she couldn’t help but push until she got it.”


“Basically you rightfully blew up, just in the wrong way. Instead of blowing up and giving into her sob story, you should have channeled your frustrations into telling her to fix the real problem which is her constant need for reassurance. She sounds pretty high maintenance and not everyone is cut out for that.”


“She kept pestering you and I’m not sure what she was expecting. You didn’t tell her she was unattractive, you told her that if she was going to keep complaining, she should just get one.”

“Plus, your whole dynamic sounds kinda weird, she seems manipulative. I’m not sure if you guys would have been great together anyway.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say about all this here.

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