
Her 16-Year-Old Daughter Wants To Get Dressed Up And Go Trick-Or-Treating But This Mom Is Telling The Internet Nobody That Age Should Unless That Have A “Mental Disability”

“My older kids still went up to 18… and only stopped then because, well, college parties > trick or treating. Let her go and be glad she isn’t keg standing at some guy named Chad’s apartment.”


“Adulting sucks, and after the last year and a half if a 45-year-old shows up on my doorstep and says “trick or treat” they’re getting a goddamned candy. It’s been a sh*tty time for everyone, and we need some of that nostalgic, feel-good happiness that trick or treating provides.”

“No one should be checking ID on Halloween. If the person is respectful, toss them a mini Mars bar and chill out about putting an age limit on one of the most fun holidays out there.”


“As my dad always says “you’re never too old to dress up for Halloween, but once you no longer dress up you’re too old.” Let kids be kids”.

“Let people find the small bits of joy they can in this terrible world. IMO as long as people dress up for Halloween they should be able to trick or treat.”

“If she were just wearing what she normally wears to go get free candy then that would be one thing. But she wants to have fun and be a kid and enjoy this holiday. LET HER!”


“I mean, I went trick or treating as a senior in college. A few of the international students (Japanese) had never been, so we made up some costumes and went to a handful of houses so they could have the experience.”

“Homeowners were a bit confused at first but loved it when we explained.”

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